Rancid Rancic

I didn’t include Giuliana DePandi Rancic in my post yesterday even though she deserved very much to be on the worst dressed list. She also should win for the worst hair… and the largest forehead. Yikes, I sound so catty! I can’t help it. Rancic was the most annoying correspondent I’ve seen lately because she was so consumed with herself. There were several bad moments and bad interviews, but perhaps the most appalling came when Rancic “interviewed” Anna Kendrick, one of the stars in the nominated film Up In The Air. This was a probably a pretty important moment for the young actress, wouldn’t you think? Well, not if you’re Giuliana Rancic, apparently. Rancic could have cared less what Anna had to say, instead, she was more concerned about throwing herself at George Clooney. Here’s a look at her making a fool of herself…