I'm very excited to report that I'm making progress with my Spring 2011 Collection!  While I've been trying to work miracles with the physical work (designing, sewing, planning, etc.), friends, and even people I've never met before, have been rallying behind me working the financial side of things.  I'm so full of gratitude.

meet Gwendolyn P. -- she just joined the family!

One really helpful piece of this puzzle is  Kickstarter is a fantastic website that helps all kinds of budding businesses to get off the ground.  I applied to the site last week and found out on Saturday that I was approved!  Yeah!  Here is the link...

I've already gotten a few major sponsors for my dresses and I hope to get more.  Please pass this on to all of your friends and family... no contribution is too little.  Thanks everyone!  I will keep you all posted as I go through this life changing (hopefully) event...